Kannst du dich noch an den
letzten Bull Run erinnern?

Zu jener Zeit verwalteten wir Portfolios im siebenstelligen Bereich und nutzten Chancen, von denen viele
nur geträumt hatten.

Doch auch wir haben einst klein begonnen – mit kontinuierlicher Wissensbildung und
strategischem Denken.

Warum wir?

Unsere Mission ist es, dich optimal auf deine finanziellen
Entscheidungen vorzubereiten. Wir geben dir das nötige Wissen und praktische
an die Hand, um dein Risiko zu minimieren und nach dem Coaching
selbstbewusst und erfolgreich im Krypto Markt zu agieren.

Bereit für deinen Weg zum Krypto-Erfolg? Melde dich jetzt bei uns und sichere dir deinen Platz in der Crypto-Education Masterclass!

Our team

crypto expert
Dominic Kuster

My name is Dominic Kuster and I will help you to find your way into the crypto world. I now have over 6 years of experience in the crypto market and accompany more than 1200 people on their way. Thanks to my "Certifed Crypto Finance Expert" training, I can not only offer you experience, but also have fundamental and proven know-how.

Nft expert
Abu timirsultanov

My name is Abu Timirsultanov , also known as NFT_Shady, and I have been working in the field of NFT & Web 3.0 since the beginning of 2021 . Although I have “only” been active and interested since 2021, I was able to acquire a great deal of knowledge during this period of time thanks to my high level of commitment and interest in NFTs and to analyze, mine and supervise several hundred NFT projects .

Dein persönlicher Weg zum Krypto-Investor!
Willkommen zur Crypto-Education Masterclass

Unsere Crypto-Education Masterclass richtet sich an alle, die in den Krypto Markt einsteigen wollen, ohne wertvolle Zeit zu verschwenden. Wir helfen dir, schneller und klüger zu handeln als die meisten anderen, und ersparen dir teure Lernphasen.

Bereit für deinen Weg zum Krypto-Erfolg? Melde dich jetzt an und sichere dir deinen Platz in der Crypto-Education Masterclass!

Alles über Krypto und Co. in einem kurs
Videokurs: Dein persönlicher Weg zum Kryptowissen

Entdecke die faszinierende Welt der Kryptowährungen und Blockchain-Technologie in 15 umfassenden Modulen mit über 100 Stunden Bildungsmaterial!

Life-Time Access!

Bereit für deinen Weg zum Krypto-Erfolg? Melde dich jetzt an und sichere dir unseren Videokurs! 

Marktanalyen und Mindset sind die wichtigsten Atribute ienes Erfolgreichen Krypto Investors


In order to achieve long-term and constant profits, you need the right mindset.

We give you this from our many years of experience and help you not to lose your head in the turbulent crypto market.

"Crypto Education one Community !"

VIP access

We will inform you in our VIP channel in the area
Crypto currencies regularly about current and essential market insights, trading signals, IDO's and NFT projects.

You also benefit from our
many years of experience in portfolio and asset analysis as well as ours
important tips for risk management.

Here you will find all our knowledge compact and understandable together!

more about the VIP
Wie das Bitcoin Mining bieten wir unseren Support 24/7 an, damit du keine Zeit verlierst bei deinen Fragen.

24/7 service

Since the crypto market is active 24/7, our customers also enjoy 24/7 support.

The exchange in the community is very important and brings a big advantage, because you can also exchange ideas with other crypto enthusiasts.

Use our support today!

VIP access

Book now!

our coaching offers

Learn from experts in your field and increase your profits in the crypto space.

To the coaching
We make Crypto clear and Simple, das ist unser Moto.We make Crypto clear and Simple, das ist unser Moto.

"Your successful start in the crypto world - with us to the perfect portfolio and Web 3 know-how!"


Telegram Channel

Be the first to find out about the latest news from the crypto market!

To the telegram

Our partners:


discord channel

Be the first to know all about the rapidly growing NFT market!

to discord


In a short 15 minute zoom call we'll take a look at yours
Look at your wishes and goals and see what suits you best.

Under "VIP access" you will find all the necessary information
our VIP offer.

We are a team of various crypto and NFT
Experts who bring long-term experience and also pass on fundamental knowledge. With our coaching you will get to know new strategies or get other aspects of your current strategy to take you to the next level.

You also have access to a community of over 1000
Members and have the chance to get to know like-minded people.

We fall back on fundamental knowledge and thanks
our training in the field of "Crypto Finance Expert" also offer information that others do not have.

In addition, we do not just give tips on how to win
can achieve on the market, but also provide a clear strategy on how to build up passive income from your investments in the long term.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, we always look at each other first
what your interests are and then decide which coaching makes the most sense. So previous knowledge is desirable, but not necessary.

If you are not sure how many hours you need, it is best to book a 15-minute consultation directly to see everything in detail.

this is important to us:
your opinion !

Give us your feedback directly on Google to keep improving!