How do cryptocurrencies work?

A cryptocurrency is digital money. All owner and transaction information is stored in encrypted form on several thousand servers. This decentralized network (blockchain) ensures that transactions cannot be forged. This eliminates a central body, such as a bank, that controls the flow of money and the currency. Transactions are settled directly between buyer and seller; There are no bank charges.

The holder of cryptocurrencies remains anonymous because they do not manage their assets with their own name, but with an identification code. He thus has sole control over his assets, is responsible for their security and should therefore under no circumstances lose his codes. – Cryptocurrencies can be used worldwide and do not have to be exchanged for other currencies as a means of payment.

The market

At the beginning of 2021, around 8,400 cryptocurrencies with a total market capitalization of around 1.4 trillion US dollars are officially listed.

While Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency today, the following coins - measured by their respective market capitalization - currently lead the top 5 rankings:

Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance Coin (BNB) and Cardano (ADA).

Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular; their acceptance is increasing worldwide. In the meantime, not only private but also institutional investors such as funds and banks are investing in cryptocurrencies. A hotly debated topic of broad interest!


A lot has changed in this market recently. If someone had predicted in 2016 that Bitcoin could hit $60,000 in the near future, they would have been laughed at. But in 2021 this prophecy became reality and was even surpassed: On April 14, 2021, the Bitcoin reached its all-time high of almost 65,000 US dollars! Due to the current low interest rates and the steadily increasing negative interest rates on assets held in bank accounts, more and more investors are using cryptocurrencies as an alternative to their previous investments.

In addition, the acceptance of cryptos as a digital means of payment is also growing steadily in business life. Large companies are already planning to enable payment with virtual currencies in the near future; Payment service providers such as ApplePay, GooglePay or Mastercard could follow shortly. – One thing is clear: the acceptance and importance of cryptocurrencies will continue to increase. It is quite possible that shopping with virtual money will soon be part of normality.


However, investors must be aware that digital currencies are not backed by a value like stocks, funds or gold, for example, which can lead to high volatility. Private investors in particular cannot constantly monitor and analyze the market.

It is therefore important for them to keep up to date with possible price fluctuations and trends from specialists.


We do not guarantee profits or promise any kind of returns!

The market is extremely volatile and thus profits and losses are unpredictable. This only serves as an illustration of the potential of the crypto market.